Special Requests

house cleansing ~ lost things ~ protection ~ more

Special Requests

From time to time life brings challenges we may not expect. Some of these things can be considered in a spiritual way. Some examples may be:

  • House Cleansing
  • Lost things such as pets or people
  • Healing for Protection
  • Ghost Removal
  • Your own special need

To find out if I am able to work with you on a Spiritual Project, just send an email with a description of your concern. I’ll get back to you right away. Since I work “inter-dimensionally” you don’t need to worry about location. I can go anywhere.

All of my work is Spirit directed and guided.


Contact Michelle

Goddess Spring Disclaimer

This information is provided for description purposes only. It is in no way intended to offer treatment or diagnosis for any medical condition or disease, nor is it intended to prescribe or to suggest to prescribe or change a lifestyle. It is recommended that no action be taken without first consulting with a qualified medical health professional. It is strongly recommended that no person seek to self diagnose or to discontinue or replace any medication they may be on without full discussion with their physician. Please CLICK HERE for the full disclaimer.