Whenever someone sees that I do “Distance Healing” the first question from most is “Does that mean that you do Reiki?” I answer “no, I have never studied that. It would be a new skill. But I have benefited from it.”
My initial interest was in the Supportive Healing Arts, such as Therapeutic Touch, then Psychic Healing, Crystal Healing, and more. I can say that today, I work in an area that is called the “Higher Spiritual Energies”. It addresses the desire to heal at its source. It is ideal for the “Non Local Gap” that exists in Distance Healing.
Healing, where a person benefits intentionally from the Healer who is administering it, is therefore Healing, be it Distance or Local. This creates a large ‘Umbrella’ for all Healers. The type of Healing that I work engage in, is just as valuable as one who does Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, Energy and others. The ‘where’ of how it is done does not enter the picture.
It is correct to think of all Distance Healing as working within Energies whose velocity is beyond our comprehension and considered ‘Subtle Energy’. Consistent work with these Subtle Energy Bodies, will manifest the healing that your body already has. It is the manifestation that is important.
So, as we are moving toward different forms, rather, names, for Healing, let us consider that the ‘Umbrella’ is large. As all have the same intention to Heal, no one method is better than the other. A hand is not better than a foot, they are just different.
May you Heal
September 24, 2010
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