The Harvest Moon

» Posted by on Sep 23, 2010 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

The Full Harvest Autumn Moon will begin tonight. This ends the Northern Summer, and begins the Autumn. At the beginning of the rise of the moon in the east, as the sun sets in the west, the particles around the Moon appear to amplify her size. As well, the color is reddish in the sky and other planets, from the light of the sun and the particles that surround the Moon.

It is during this time, that we are reminded of the Gifts of the Goddess. At GoddessSpring, we celebrate her many seasons, and the Harvest Moon is special. This one was last seen 20 years ago. We remember the Gifts of the Goddess are many, including one in particular. Many Moon Rituals that are celebrated by different cultures, use the Full Moon as a time to Thank and Ask the Goddess for a needed Gift. Also, being a Harvest Moon, if you have had a project or concern that has endured for a long time, then now is time when you can bring it to completion.

Celebrate tonight as the very Divine, and the very Human. When you view the Harvest Moon tonight, stepping out into the chill Autumn evening, lift your cup of mulled cider, and remember. If I should have the reverence to ask Her, The Goddess, dressed in her Autumnal Finest, will be sure to give.

Happy Autumn All


September 22, 2010