Will Distance Healing still work, if we do not believe in Past Lives?
What is the point of Table Tipping if we do not believe in Past Lives?
I will break this down into parts, in order to answer the questions posed.
Distance Healing, is done in the Higher Spiritual Energies. At this level, Subtle Energy Bodies move at the speed of thought. They travel in negative space and time. They are our Higher Spiritual Energies, and thus effect us at the positive space and time level, or the Third Dimension. As a Spiritual Being, one may receive a Distance Healing on this level irrespective of a belief in a past life.
Regarding Past Lives, there may be a reason you do not believe in them. It is possible that this may be your first incarnation on the Earth. It would make sense then that you would be attracted to Distance Healing, simply because you have been in Spirit for so much time, had you been on Earth. Also, you would have been on Earth a relatively short period of time in one life, and you may just be adjusting to what it is like to live within the constraints of “time”.
Further, even a person in their first incarnation as a Human, can gain benefit from Table Tipping. When we decide to incarnate, there are decisions to be made such as which Life Lessons, Soul Intent, and Karmic Resolution. These decisions of what our Life’s Lessons will be are made in consultation with our Spirit Guides, or Helpers. They may be present, as in our Chief Guide, as a Life Long Spiritual Advisor. Table Tipping will help us in our first discovery of the Guides, and also, listening to their advice, as we progress in Spiritual Maturity.
So, while Distance Healing is working within your Higher Spiritual Energies, Table Tipping for Spiritual Healing and Awareness is a complementary Healing Strategy.
September 20, 2010
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