Posts Tagged "Distance Healing"

Crossing over is hardly the last word

»Posted by on Oct 27, 2013 in Afterlife, Distance Healing | 0 comments

In every way, all our life, we experience loss. It is a significant part of our journey. Ultimately, destination wins, and we lose us to … what? More than imagination, I find that death is merely a transition. It is as if one is walking along a favorite path, turning over every rock. The path spirals higher still, as you walk with greater difficulty. Along the way you see opportunities to take alternate paths, having new possibilities, unusual and beautiful treasures. It is always your choice to go down an alternate path. You move still higher on the path, with greater difficulty, and satisfaction. Then, all of a sudden, you fall through an ice cold puddle you chance to step in. It is as if you have fallen into a rich and beautiful atmosphere. It moves your...

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All Souls Night

»Posted by on Nov 1, 2010 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

Spirit World Part V The Goddess and Other Spirits In doing Ritual with special friends for Samhain, or All Souls Night, it is most gratifying. It is, in some Goddess based Religions, such as Wicca, and ‘The Old Religion’, our New Year. I contemplate over the last 13 months the whole of all of the Gifts of the Goddess. I remember the Loved Ones who had Crossed Over, the circumstances and surprise, in some cases, of such an event. I revisit the feelings. The wistfulness, of them having been in my life and now gone. That feeling of , ‘ why do I have to make a “new normal” in my life again. Why did they have to go?’ What do I do now that they are gone, just when I was really starting to know who they are and what they are about? For my part, I...

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Spirit Messengers Among Us

»Posted by on Oct 15, 2010 in Angel Messengers, Distance Healing, House Clearing, Karma, Reincarnation, Soul Mate, Spirit Messengers, Spiritual Healing Through Table Tipping, Table Tipping, Uncategorized, | 0 comments

A Chance Encounter? Spirit Worlds Part III Thinking about Spirit Realities and all of the Spirit Energy generously showered into and onto my life, I know by speaking with others that this is the truth for many of them too. I remember throughout my life, I would have brief visits, with Spirit Messengers. They would be initiated by the “Messenger” who would strike up a conversation. I would find myself feeling unusually comfortable and trusting of the person in a short time frame, 30 seconds to 5 minutes, and just as immediately, they would be gone. We could not be friends. I would never see them again. I remember one afternoon working in my Dad’s Bakery. I was 15 or 16. I put a cake into the display case, and thought that, if no one bought THAT one, I would...

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Twin Souls

»Posted by on Sep 25, 2010 in Distance Healing, Purpose of the Divine, Soul Mate, Spiritual Healing Through Table Tipping, Twin Souls | 0 comments

Twin Soul Identification Part 1 A Twin Soul is identified over time. They are different than a ‘Soul Mate’ in relationship and in their beginnings of such. A ‘Twin Soul’ comes into being when one soul ‘doubles’ and becomes two of the identical “Soul Vibration’ or ‘Material’. This can last more than one life time, as we are truly one soul, having many lifetimes. The ‘Twin Souls’ are then born to either one set of parents having identical twins, or to two sets of parents, each ‘twin’ having a separate family At exactly the correct time, they will meet, if they have had separate sets of parents, either early or later in their lifetimes. The nature of the relationship is such that this set...

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