Spirit Messengers Among Us
A Chance Encounter? Spirit Worlds Part III Thinking about Spirit Realities and all of the Spirit Energy generously showered into and onto my life, I know by speaking with others that this is the truth for many of them too. I remember throughout my life, I would have brief visits, with Spirit Messengers. They would be initiated by the “Messenger” who would strike up a conversation. I would find myself feeling unusually comfortable and trusting of the person in a short time frame, 30 seconds to 5 minutes, and just as immediately, they would be gone. We could not be friends. I would never see them again. I remember one afternoon working in my Dad’s Bakery. I was 15 or 16. I put a cake into the display case, and thought that, if no one bought THAT one, I would...
Meeting Oneself Along the Way
Reincarnation Part III More than once, I have found myself in a situation where, my new boss was intolerable, or my new sister-in-law was going to be a personal challenge for me. Further, other people could not see the things that I saw, or rather, could not see them as intensely as I saw them. Why would this be so? One reason, as discussed in Reincarnation Part I, I was working out the details of Soul Memory, or Karma, carried over from a previous life. There is no person, however long they stay in our life, who we have not previously met. When we meet them again, while minding our own business, it can truly be our undoing, if we allow it. Another approach may be to face the challenge head on. Dismantle the Karma. Find a way to resolve this piece of our current...
Karma is memory
Reincarnation Part II When thinking about the possibilities of Karma, it has been sold as a bill of goods that no one wants. “He’s got some ‘bad Karma’” Even the song, “Instant Karma’s gonna get you.” How much of this is true? It is thought in certain belief systems, that if we can clear 51% of our Karma, the larger half, then we will not have to return to Earth, for another go round. We could have the choice, or ‘Free Will’ to decide. We can become an Immortal, or Ascended Master, working on Spiritual tasks in other Dimensions. This may be true. The one thing that is true about Karma, is that it is not a debt. Such as a credit card where we borrow against our future, gambling that we can pay. It is less complicated than debt,...
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