Posts Tagged "Transformation"

Meeting Oneself Along the Way

»Posted by on Oct 6, 2010 in Distance Healing, Karma, Reincarnation, Spiritual Healing Through Table Tipping, Table Tipping, Transformation, | 0 comments

Reincarnation Part III More than once, I have found myself in a situation where, my new boss was intolerable, or my new sister-in-law was going to be a personal challenge for me. Further, other people could not see the things that I saw, or rather, could not see them as intensely as I saw them. Why would this be so? One reason, as discussed in Reincarnation Part I, I was working out the details of Soul Memory, or Karma, carried over from a previous life. There is no person, however long they stay in our life, who we have not previously met. When we meet them again, while minding our own business, it can truly be our undoing, if we allow it. Another approach may be to face the challenge head on. Dismantle the Karma. Find a way to resolve this piece of our current...

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From Transition to Transformation

»Posted by on Oct 1, 2010 in Distance Healing, Spiritual Healing Through Table Tipping, Table Tipping, Transformation, Transition, | 0 comments

As seasons come and go, I must admit that Fall and the idea of Harvest, is my favorite. Winter runs a close second. This brings up images of fullness, as we experienced recently from the Harvest Moon. A time of gathering, fall produce for example, and planning. Envisioning what is our next move. Thankfully, as the weather encourages, we turn inward, for planning, and discovering. Discovering all of the fruits of the labor we have done on the physical level as well as mental, emotional and Spiritual. This is the time to take stock, evaluate, and move forward, to the next round of lessons Intrinsically, we are aware that we do this Spiritually each day. We are introspective, at least some time of the day, and move, with Spirit each hour, becoming each day, month,...

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