Guess Who Came to Samhain?
Spirit World Part VI A Spirit I just could not forget During Samhain, I always enjoy Table Tipping with friends also at Ritual, and connecting with Loved Ones from my Past who have Crossed Over. One question to address, is, how do we know that they have ‘Crossed Over’? The method of determination that I use is one of exclusivity. I set the boundaries of who may be called, and they are ONLY Light Beings. My work with Ghosts and other Beings falls into an entirely different arena, not intended for a Loving Ritual such as Samhain. Also, if there is a Light Being who shows up, and I don’t particularly want to talk with them, well, I don’t have to. No matter how loud they are asking to get on the Table, and give me a message. It is the same...
All Souls Night
Spirit World Part V The Goddess and Other Spirits In doing Ritual with special friends for Samhain, or All Souls Night, it is most gratifying. It is, in some Goddess based Religions, such as Wicca, and ‘The Old Religion’, our New Year. I contemplate over the last 13 months the whole of all of the Gifts of the Goddess. I remember the Loved Ones who had Crossed Over, the circumstances and surprise, in some cases, of such an event. I revisit the feelings. The wistfulness, of them having been in my life and now gone. That feeling of , ‘ why do I have to make a “new normal” in my life again. Why did they have to go?’ What do I do now that they are gone, just when I was really starting to know who they are and what they are about? For my part, I...
Living with Jesters and other Spiritual Variety
Spirit World Part IV The Astral Realities Living in the Third Dimension has many advantages for Human Beings and Spirit Beings. We generally co-exist with no great issues. We live, knowingly sometimes, will all Dimensions existing all around us, all the time, in our space and time. Sometimes a Loved One who has departed may have already Crossed Over, but still feels the need to support the ones he or she left behind. It is different for them. They are experiencing Unconditional Love, and a Non Judgmental existence. Why would they be sorry about leaving this world? Time and Space confinement does not exist in their world. For them, it will be the equivalent of a day or two before their loved one also Crosses Over. And the least they can do is comfort them. But...
Spirit Messengers Among Us
A Chance Encounter? Spirit Worlds Part III Thinking about Spirit Realities and all of the Spirit Energy generously showered into and onto my life, I know by speaking with others that this is the truth for many of them too. I remember throughout my life, I would have brief visits, with Spirit Messengers. They would be initiated by the “Messenger” who would strike up a conversation. I would find myself feeling unusually comfortable and trusting of the person in a short time frame, 30 seconds to 5 minutes, and just as immediately, they would be gone. We could not be friends. I would never see them again. I remember one afternoon working in my Dad’s Bakery. I was 15 or 16. I put a cake into the display case, and thought that, if no one bought THAT one, I would...
A World Unseen. Sometimes Spirit Worlds Part II In my ceaseless study of the Spirit World, and what happens when our Personal Energy departs from our dense matter existing on Earth, I discover new jewels of information from many areas. A focus on Ghosts, so curious, elusive, sometimes not. What are their messages to us, in this very mysterious world, where some people are allowed to see them, some are not? Who are they, what do they want from me? The definition of a Ghost, is a Spirit departed, who remains by their own free will, within the Astral Plane. Translation, they do not Cross Over, but remain within the Earth Plane, as opposed to traveling to their ultimate home, in other Dimensions. They can do this because they have ‘Free Will”. They get to...
The Term Distance Healing has Latitude
Whenever someone sees that I do “Distance Healing” the first question from most is “Does that mean that you do Reiki?” I answer “no, I have never studied that. It would be a new skill. But I have benefited from it.” My initial interest was in the Supportive Healing Arts, such as Therapeutic Touch, then Psychic Healing, Crystal Healing, and more. I can say that today, I work in an area that is called the “Higher Spiritual Energies”. It addresses the desire to heal at its source. It is ideal for the “Non Local Gap” that exists in Distance Healing. Healing, where a person benefits intentionally from the Healer who is administering it, is therefore Healing, be it Distance or Local. This creates a large ‘Umbrella’ for all Healers. The type of Healing that...
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