The Term Distance Healing has Latitude
Whenever someone sees that I do “Distance Healing” the first question from most is “Does that mean that you do Reiki?” I answer “no, I have never studied that. It would be a new skill. But I have benefited from it.” My initial interest was in the Supportive Healing Arts, such as Therapeutic Touch, then Psychic Healing, Crystal Healing, and more. I can say that today, I work in an area that is called the “Higher Spiritual Energies”. It addresses the desire to heal at its source. It is ideal for the “Non Local Gap” that exists in Distance Healing. Healing, where a person benefits intentionally from the Healer who is administering it, is therefore Healing, be it Distance or Local. This creates a large ‘Umbrella’ for all Healers. The type of Healing that...
Where does the Energy come from that allows the Table to Tip
When I was first working with my Mentor, Dr. Bettyjane Morrison Poag, I never questioned where the Energy came from. Every time I asked my question, the table moved. It moved many ways. Vigorously, excitedly, gently, barely moved sometimes at all. But this is describing ‘how’ it moved. The better question on deciding what Spirit is trying to communicate to us is to first look at Spirit itself. Spirit has a unique vibration. It is Energy, itself. Just as you and I have a unique ‘face’ and personality, so does Spirit. Let’s start with a Personal Spirit Guide. We have hundreds. Some stay with us constantly, as with a Chief Guide. This Guide has been through many lives with you and knows you quite well. It is in the best interest of all...
The Harvest Moon
The Full Harvest Autumn Moon will begin tonight. This ends the Northern Summer, and begins the Autumn. At the beginning of the rise of the moon in the east, as the sun sets in the west, the particles around the Moon appear to amplify her size. As well, the color is reddish in the sky and other planets, from the light of the sun and the particles that surround the Moon. It is during this time, that we are reminded of the Gifts of the Goddess. At GoddessSpring, we celebrate her many seasons, and the Harvest Moon is special. This one was last seen 20 years ago. We remember the Gifts of the Goddess are many, including one in particular. Many Moon Rituals that are celebrated by different cultures, use the Full Moon as a time to Thank and Ask the Goddess for a needed...
Distance Healing for Pets
I have been asked over the past 15 or so years to work with pets occasionally. In fact, my dog Lucy was one of my favorite pets to practice Energy Healing. I have used Distance Healing with a friend’s pet. I remember one casually known neighbor had told me that her cat was dying. In tears, she asked if I could help. I didn’t know what the expectation was, or the cat’s condition, but she was infirm. The cat was not moving much. After working with the Energy of both the neighbor, and her cat, there were changes. The cat began to show signs of having more energy. She roamed the apartment, drank water. Her Person, also began to feel better. After the cat Crossed Over, her Person had a good resolve, knowing that the cat and she had enjoyed their last...
What Distance Healing and Table Tipping can do for You
Will Distance Healing still work, if we do not believe in Past Lives? What is the point of Table Tipping if we do not believe in Past Lives? I will break this down into parts, in order to answer the questions posed. Distance Healing, is done in the Higher Spiritual Energies. At this level, Subtle Energy Bodies move at the speed of thought. They travel in negative space and time. They are our Higher Spiritual Energies, and thus effect us at the positive space and time level, or the Third Dimension. As a Spiritual Being, one may receive a Distance Healing on this level irrespective of a belief in a past life. Regarding Past Lives, there may be a reason you do not believe in them. It is possible that this may be your first incarnation on the Earth. It would make...
Reconstructing the Matrix of Our Past Lives
Message from Michelle Coelho At one can ask the difficult questions and expect that a truthful answer will be given. Such as, “Why is it important that we learn about what past lives we may have had?” It is a complex question, whose answer has several parts, often layered on top of each other, woven in and around, behind and in front of each other, and not necessarily linear, which is how we think in the Third Dimension. To answer the question of importance, one need only hear what people say about their present life. I have heard, “This is the only life that is relevant. How do I get through it?”, or “I plan to do this right so that I never have to come back.” Or people ask me, knowing what I do, would I ever choose to return as a human or...
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