Posts by Michelle


»Posted by on Oct 10, 2010 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

A World Unseen. Sometimes Spirit Worlds Part II In my ceaseless study of the Spirit World, and what happens when our Personal Energy departs from our dense matter existing on Earth, I discover new jewels of information from many areas. A focus on Ghosts, so curious, elusive, sometimes not. What are their messages to us, in this very mysterious world, where some people are allowed to see them, some are not? Who are they, what do they want from me? The definition of a Ghost, is a Spirit departed, who remains by their own free will, within the Astral Plane. Translation, they do not Cross Over, but remain within the Earth Plane, as opposed to traveling to their ultimate home, in other Dimensions. They can do this because they have ‘Free Will”. They get to...

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That Little Fear

»Posted by on Oct 9, 2010 in Distance Healing, House Clearing, Rogue Spirits, Spiritual Healing Through Table Tipping, Table Tipping, | 0 comments

Protection in a Chaotic Time New Series in Spirit Worlds, Part I Occasionally, I have a person tell me, without really telling me, that there are unwanted Spirits residing in their living space. It starts by thinking someone is watching them. Over time, it escalates to other things. Children are uncomfortable. Frightened. The dog becomes chronically sick. They used to be able to grow plants, but no longer. Eventually, there is undeniably something wrong. As the person relays the message to me, I have to wait, it is as if they are afraid that someone in another Dimension, who is the cause of this, will hear them speaking. And that there will be consequences. The Spirit World is complex. When I experience Spirit, I choose only Light beings. I maintain an...

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Meeting Oneself Along the Way

»Posted by on Oct 6, 2010 in Distance Healing, Karma, Reincarnation, Spiritual Healing Through Table Tipping, Table Tipping, Transformation, | 0 comments

Reincarnation Part III More than once, I have found myself in a situation where, my new boss was intolerable, or my new sister-in-law was going to be a personal challenge for me. Further, other people could not see the things that I saw, or rather, could not see them as intensely as I saw them. Why would this be so? One reason, as discussed in Reincarnation Part I, I was working out the details of Soul Memory, or Karma, carried over from a previous life. There is no person, however long they stay in our life, who we have not previously met. When we meet them again, while minding our own business, it can truly be our undoing, if we allow it. Another approach may be to face the challenge head on. Dismantle the Karma. Find a way to resolve this piece of our current...

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Karma is memory

»Posted by on Oct 4, 2010 in Karma, Purpose of the Divine, Reincarnation, Spiritual Healing Through Table Tipping, Table Tipping, Transformation, | 0 comments

Reincarnation Part II When thinking about the possibilities of Karma, it has been sold as a bill of goods that no one wants. “He’s got some ‘bad Karma’” Even the song, “Instant Karma’s gonna get you.” How much of this is true? It is thought in certain belief systems, that if we can clear 51% of our Karma, the larger half, then we will not have to return to Earth, for another go round. We could have the choice, or ‘Free Will’ to decide. We can become an Immortal, or Ascended Master, working on Spiritual tasks in other Dimensions. This may be true. The one thing that is true about Karma, is that it is not a debt. Such as a credit card where we borrow against our future, gambling that we can pay. It is less complicated than debt,...

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Yes, I’m certain, I remember YOU!

»Posted by on Oct 2, 2010 in Reincarnation, Soul Mate, Spiritual Healing Through Table Tipping, Table Tipping, Transformation | 0 comments

Past Lives In my studies of Edgar Cayce’s opinions and teachings on “Reincarnation”, there are many intriguing issues that he mentions. These are based largely on his experience with ‘Life Readings’ that he performed. The one thing that he saw and found to be accurate, is that we are one soul traveling at different times, with a different body, on Earth. Relaxing, at times, between lives, on other planets to gain insight and learn new levels of Unconditional Love, and, when appropriate, return to Earth. My belief is that the return to Earth, the land of ‘time and space’, is not always linear. One can return to an earlier lifetime, if they choose. At any time we choose to return to Earth, we will certainly meet new “friends”. Rest...

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From Transition to Transformation

»Posted by on Oct 1, 2010 in Distance Healing, Spiritual Healing Through Table Tipping, Table Tipping, Transformation, Transition, | 0 comments

As seasons come and go, I must admit that Fall and the idea of Harvest, is my favorite. Winter runs a close second. This brings up images of fullness, as we experienced recently from the Harvest Moon. A time of gathering, fall produce for example, and planning. Envisioning what is our next move. Thankfully, as the weather encourages, we turn inward, for planning, and discovering. Discovering all of the fruits of the labor we have done on the physical level as well as mental, emotional and Spiritual. This is the time to take stock, evaluate, and move forward, to the next round of lessons Intrinsically, we are aware that we do this Spiritually each day. We are introspective, at least some time of the day, and move, with Spirit each hour, becoming each day, month,...

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What is ‘Healing’?

»Posted by on Sep 30, 2010 in Distance Healing, Spiritual Healing Through Table Tipping, Table Tipping, | 0 comments

When discussing the general term “healing” one begins to have a mental picture, especially if in the midst of a crisis, or recovering from one. Our health, on all levels, Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual, is vital for our well being. When thinkng about our Physical health apart from our other three, it used to be quite easy. ‘If I could just get rid of this cold, or if this foot would just heal’. Then everything could go back to normal, as it was. But was it normal? In my Distance Healing, I share that Healing, to be balanced, must start at the source. At the Spiritual Energies. Working with the source, all of the other levels are addressed as well. There is a ‘Subtle Energy’ Healing taking place. What does the manifestation of...

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Twin Souls: Part 3

»Posted by on Sep 28, 2010 in Distance Healing, Purpose of the Divine, Soul Mate, Spiritual Healing Through Table Tipping, Table Tipping, Twin Souls, | 0 comments

Twin Souls Part 3 (end of series, for now) Michelle Coelho and Twin Soul, K.S. When I finally met my Twin Soul, we were both in our early thirties. I felt that I should have been born with long, curly, red hair all my life. To achieve this, I continually altered my straight brunette long hair according to what I felt were my true attributes. I met my Twin Soul, K.S. In the early 90’s. She was a co worker, with long curly red hair. Just exactly what I had been imagining for my entire memory of what I should have looked like. We became friends. We compared notes of our lives, things we did, our childhood. Our most recent shared experience, when we first met was our lives in Spain. During the same year, I lived in Barcelona, and she lived in Madrid. This was...

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Twin Souls: Part 2

»Posted by on Sep 27, 2010 in Distance Healing, Purpose of the Divine, Soul Mate, Spiritual Healing Through Table Tipping, Twin Souls, | 0 comments

Identification Gives Purpose to Both Part 2 Twin Soul identification often starts the same as any other friendship, fast, or slow over time. More commonalities are revealed soon. Each begins to see the other as their ‘completed’ friend. One who I would allow, and do allow, to change some aspect of my life. Largely because the ‘Twins’ build trust, based on the depth of their soul experience together. There is resonance, each hearing the same vibration with each other. One teaches the other, with boundaries respected and relaxed, more so than with any other friend. Defenses are lowered. This enables change that can make enormous differences in a Twin’s Life separately, or within the world consciousness. One aspect of change can be the...

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Twin Souls

»Posted by on Sep 25, 2010 in Distance Healing, Purpose of the Divine, Soul Mate, Spiritual Healing Through Table Tipping, Twin Souls | 0 comments

Twin Soul Identification Part 1 A Twin Soul is identified over time. They are different than a ‘Soul Mate’ in relationship and in their beginnings of such. A ‘Twin Soul’ comes into being when one soul ‘doubles’ and becomes two of the identical “Soul Vibration’ or ‘Material’. This can last more than one life time, as we are truly one soul, having many lifetimes. The ‘Twin Souls’ are then born to either one set of parents having identical twins, or to two sets of parents, each ‘twin’ having a separate family At exactly the correct time, they will meet, if they have had separate sets of parents, either early or later in their lifetimes. The nature of the relationship is such that this set...

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